Purchase Orders

We accept POs from schools and government institutions. Please be aware we cannot work from a PO number alone. We need to receive the signed Purchase Order via email, fax or mail before we can begin production on your order.

One way many of our customers handle POs is to add everything they want to buy into their shopping cart on the website, and then they take a screenshot (or multiple screenshots if needed) of the shopping cart (as shown below).

Screenshot of sample shopping cart
Make sure before taking the screenshot that you’ve added shipping and it shows in the “Shipping” field so that the total is accurate. Once you have your shopping cart screenshot(s), you can build your PO using the details and pricing from the shopping cart (as seen below).
Sample purchase order
All the information that we need to produce your items is contained within the shopping cart screenshot. Consequently your PO doesn’t necessarily have to list every detail of every item. Whatever level of detail your PO process normally requires should work fine for us. Just make sure when send your PO you include the shopping cart screenshot(s) with it.
Email to:
service@wordsanywhere.com (subject: PO)

FAX to:
303-955-3036 — to: PO

Mail to:
Words Anywhere
ATTN: Purchase Orders
PO Box 30
Firestone, CO 80504

email   service@wordsanywhere.com
call   303-834-8122 (M-F, 8am – 4pm Mountain time)